Monday, October 13, 2008


I think it looks easier than it probably was (I wasn't there), but it was pretty neat to have a vacant lot one day and then a completely assembled house the next. Our house arrived last Tuesday on 4 semi-trucks. They sat on Tuesday, due to rain, and were assembled on Wednesday. The whole process only took a few hours. Pretty Amazing! Now that all of the giant blocks are stacked, work has begun on the garage, then the front porch, as well as all of the details within. I keep wondering how they will get everything done within the time frame. I always think this as I look around our house and wonder how I will get this mess put together and moved on out. I cannot believe how much "stuff" we have brought into this house, when we have only lived here for four years. I do think that most of our stuff consists of toys, which cannot under any circumstances be parted with. I keep bribing Leif to sell some things in a garage sale, but he is not easily persuaded.

1 comment:

eric said...

Hey! This is SUPER cool, and your post here demonstrates perfectly one of the reasons -aside from my rampant egomania ;-) - that I maintain a blog. This will one day be an interesting piece of you family’s history. Print this out, save it to a 200 year CD, or whatever - wouldn’t you like to read this sort of thing about your great grandparents?

And good luck with your upcoming move. Our last one ended with me - after a week of HARD work - frantically filling a two-place snowmobile trailer with all my left-over JUNK. I parked it in the garage at the new house, threw a tarp over it, and pretended it wasn’t there for nearly a month. “Why do you whistle nervously every time you walk by that trailer?” asked the Mrs. “What trailer?” ;-)

Take care!