Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Little Pumpkins

I think the two biggest holidays, at least for a 4 year old, must be Christmas and Halloween. There has been so much excitement around our house ever since last Thursday and the arrival of a certain storm trooper costume. Leif thinks this costume is especially great since it comes with a gun. So as not to spoil any spooky surprises, I won't post any pictures of the masked one until after Halloween. I will post one picture of Leif and his pumpkin masterpiece that he carved with Grandpa on Saturday. Carving occurred after my Aunt and Uncle dropped off a 4 pound bag of candy for Leif. You might think I am exaggerating, but I really don't think I am. My darling son has also discovered that at Grandma and Grandpa's house (we were at my parent's on Saturday) Mom's powers are suspended and if he wants to have suckers and sugary creepy crawlers and all the chocolate milk one boy can have - then who is mom to say no. (Of note, guess where Leif stayed on Saturday night??? HINT: not at home :)

And Mikko, my little Finlander, had his first sauna. I am not sure what all the "experts" say about bringing a 6 month old into a sauna, but because a sauna is good for the soul and good for little colds I thought he and his congested little chest could benefit. He loved splashing around in his little dishpan sauna tub, and I loved watching him. Since I was the only one there, however, I could not take any pictures of my little sauna buddy. I did attempt to take one after sauna, but he is quite roly poly these days and did not want to stay still for me. I did my best, though, and have posted those as well.

My final picture is of a nearly completed house. We have had great guys working very hard to get our house completed. We are surprised everyday with new things. Soon we will be into the new house and busy unpacking boxes. We are looking forward to it.

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