Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rolling Right Along

This is such an appropriate title, not only because life has been rolling right along since my last post, but also because Miss Maedi is quite good at rolling along to where she needs to be: like today during Mikko's naptime when she rolled out of my room, where I was putting away laundry, almost intentionally toward her brother's room "announcing" her arrival. Usually I am telling the boys to be quite since she is sleeping. Today, however, she began to get her revenge. Luckily, Mikko kept sleeping and she went down for her nap right before Leif got home from school. I so treasure my quiet time with my Leif'r. He didn't stick around long though. This nice weather meant lots of kids were outside. Being the social man he is, he was off!


Leif and his friend giving me their best scary faces! And, above,
Mikko.  What you don't know is that he is chanting "Hockey!
Hockey! Hockey!"

Of course, we have had Halloween.  Leif went as a
Storm Trooper (Star Wars), which meant that Mikko
also went as a Storm Trooper.  As you can see, they
scored a lot of candy. 


True Love!

Out for an October Stroll.  I LOVE fall!

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