Monday, September 15, 2008

What's up, Blog?

Here I am after not blogging for almost two weeks...has it really been that long? Well, I am just sitting at the computer on a cool fall evening in northern Minnesota. I am enjoying a nice piece of homemade apple pie (that my mom sent for my husband...oops) and have just put the two kiddies to bed. As my Leif was falling asleep, I was washing dishes and listening to Peter Mulvey (my current favorite artist). There is at least one song Leif likes, and after prolonging bedtime by yelling out a few "I love you"s he then yelled out again. So, I went down the hall expecting to get yet another "I love you" when he asked if I would turn up the music. Can I be too proud that my son actually enjoys some good music, and I do not have to play Wiggles, DoodleBops, etc. I suppose I can give some credit to Karl who has been heavily influencing Leif to like not only Bruce Springsteen, but Tom Petty and Mudcrutch as well.
Speaking of musical children, check out the video showing another off these talented kids (and by kids, I mean Karl and Leif), though I have no doubt Mikko will be musical too.

1 comment:

Nosduh said...

That is way too cute! I wish my hubby could play guitar and sing to my kids! Instead, they watch baseball and eat popcorn (well...not Gussie yet). Not as cute, but still sort of heart-warming. Hope to see you soon...we miss you!