Friday, August 22, 2008

New House

So soon, so very very soon this hole before us will be our basement with a nice, shiney new house sitting on top. Back in May or June...who can remember with a new baby in the house, we decided that it would be a great time to build. I don't know if we really thought that we would go through with it, but one of us never stopped the other, so now we are right in the middle of a building adventure. Actually, we are doing a modular home, so we really can't complain. And, our contractor has become our new BFF as he has spent so much time (many, many, many) hours with us over the summer.

If all continues to go well, we should be in by the end of October. We are looking forward to the move since the new neighborhood has a ton of kids Leif and Mikko's ages, but also since we will have so much more room...and I will finally have my own bathroom.

Here are some pictures of our "hole." We have been our walking to check out the progress. Our new house will be about 6 blocks from the old one. Fun!


jenny said...

Oh Stacey, that's so exciting! I didn't know you guys were building a house! I'm learning more about you already! You can check out my blog too, if you like...

Nosduh said...

How exciting...a brand new house! I hear you about the contractor. We always made a joke that our contractors girlfriend thought he was cheating on her with Jay, because he called him about 5 times a day! My advice, through this process, is to remain patient! It will all come together. Can't wait to see it!