In the spring we get to do those things that others in warmer climates take for granted. Going to the park is an exciting sign that spring is here. Yesterday, I walked with the boys to the park. Leif was quite excited to go back, and also excited for Mikko's first time at the park.
Since there was not much equipment for Mikko to "play" on, Leif spent a lot of time running back to check on us. Let's just say, daddy had an easy bedtime routine with Leif. I was with friends, and when I came home learned Leif had put himself to bed. I took that to mean that, as Leif sometimes does when he is really tired, he told Karl it was time for him to go to bed. (Note: I am totally prepared for our second child to not be this easy to get to bed).
While Leif was also busy trying to avoid having his picture taken, I did manage on a couple of occaissions to snap a photo.
While Leif was also busy trying to avoid having his picture taken, I did manage on a couple of occaissions to snap a photo.
So, did I say earlier that there wasn't much to play with for Mikko. Let me correct myself - there was a lot of dirt for Mikko to play with. He was quite taken with the sand, dead leaves and sticks. Every time I put him down to do something with Leif, he toppled over and sprawled out in the sand. He also managed to bite off part of a stick, but I had other more nutritous snacks so he wasn't that upset when I made him spit it out.
And finally, I really wanted a picture of the boys at the park. Have you ever tried to get two boys to smile and look at you at the same time? Nearly impossible. But, I do like this photo as it captures a typical occurrance in our house....Mikko watching Leif do anything. I am sure Leif will love and hate this as he gets older, but what else are big brothers for.
We tried the swings first. The little guy swings are super far away from the big guy swings, but Leif was a good sport.