Monday, February 23, 2009

February Fun

Valentine's Day came and went, but it's never too late to blog about it, right? For Valentine's Day, we went to Ely to celebrate my little brother's birthday. The night before, however, I enjoyed a nice relaxing night with two of my three boys. All four of us enjoyed a nice, homecooked pasta dinner. Mikko went to sleep while big brother got to stay up and enjoy chocolate fondue with mom and dad. We really enjoyed dipping the fruit and marshmallows in the chocolate. Leif couldn't, however, figure out why his tummy hurt as he was drifting off to sleep. I am sure it wasn't all the marshmallows that he ate. (Hey, in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I refrained from my usual - Hey, haven't you had enough sugar???).
The weekend before Valentine's Day, Leif and Mikko and I met my parents in Palo for Laskiainen. I forgot the sled (oops) but Leif still enjoyed some goodies inside after testing out the whip sled. I can tell he will be my roller coaster partner as he gets older. He got out of the whip sled quite dizzied, but he liked it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What the...

Devil have I been up to? I have not been blogging. I have been slightly addicted to Facebook, but that only accounts for the last week, not the last 6 weeks. I guess we have just been busy living life, enjoying our boys, spending time with friends and still unpacking boxes. We enjoyed a great Christmas, except for Mikko's ear infection. Leif got Spike the Dinosaur and was just thrilled.

The boys have been busy. Leif loves to play outside, but also has developed a love of computer games. He is limited, however, but mostly so that I can be on Facebook (only kidding). When we had our cold snap he also stayed inside and helped me bake. I am thankful that he enjoys baking with me, but I think he REALLY enjoys eating cookie dough and licking the bowl. Can't blame he there.

Mikko enjoys being around us and crawling towards anything that is not a toy. Today he broke his first bowl of mine, which I had on a tablecloth on the table. I take the blame and am lucky it didn't bonk him on the head. I chalked it up as a lesson learned for me. He is growing so fast and almost not a baby. He is learning new things everyday. His latest trick is to shake his head "no" in an exaggerated fashion, so I laigh everytime he "tells" me no. He also claps and eats crackers...where does the time go?

Did I mention that his personality is starting to develop? So much fun!